Flourish Open Day - Sunday 23 February, 8am-2pm, free classes and giveaways!


Homemade, always

Why we always home bake

Over the weekend I made my husband a batch of his favourite chocolate chip cookies as a little welcome home gesture after being out on a boys trip. I know his love language is words but I'm a giver so can't help but make something to make him feel welcomed home again.

This made me reflect as we never have store bought biscuits in the house, like never. Don't get me wrong, when I first moved to NZ I was all about making my way through the confectionary isle at the supermarket and trying all the different cookies on offer. But over the years we've made a concious effort that if we want something sweet, it's made from scratch at home.


When you take the time to make your own cookies, bread, spreads, etc you appreciate them that much more. 

  • It helps with over eating
  • It helps with sensitivities to preservatives and sulphates hidden in commercial food
  • It helps you appreciate the time and effort that goes into making your own food
  • It helps with the grocery bill
  • It helps just grabbing 'one more' when walking past the pantry

By consciously not buying any jams, jellies, cakes, cookies etc we are able to see exactly what goes into our food and help us make more conscious, positive food choices.


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