Flourish Open Day - Sunday 23 February, 8am-2pm, free classes and giveaways!


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The benefits of barre at home

We know a lot of us are dying to get back into the studio and do barre together. However let's focus on the benefits of doing barre online, because let's be honest there are plenty!

- the ease of doing it at a time that suits you
- no need to leave time for travel or finding a car park
- you can do it in your jammies and no one will bat an eye
- they're done and dusted in 30 minutes
- 6 classes for $18, you can't beat that

Our new studio is progressing well and we CANNOT wait to call Fill Good our new home. Things are looking good and we should be able to be all together again in our beautiful new studio around end of June!

Join us today!


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